Georgian National University
  • Founded: 2001
  • Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Type: Private

We will tell you everything you need to know about as a International student desiring to study In Georgian National University Tbilisi. Learn about SEU’s rich history, programs for International students, tuition fees, admission and how to apply to study in SEU”

SEU’s Official Admission Representative 

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Georgian National University (SEU)

The National University of Georgia SEU was founded on behalf of Ilia Chavchavadze in 2001. Since 2007, the university has offered Georgian students the building and conditions of the modern educational requirements in the new address and since then the university is located in the historical part of Tbilisi in Isani-Samgori district. Address: Tsinandali Street. N9.

In 2009 the university was accredited by LEPL National Accreditation Center. 

In 2014 the university was authorized in accordance with the new authorization standard (until 2020). At present, there are 23 accredited educational programs in the university, including 9 undergraduates, 7 additional / minor specialties, 1 one-step, and 5 master programs.

133 professors and 97 invited lecturers are attending the four faculty of university including: Faculty of Business Administration, Social Sciences, Law and Medical Faculty. In 2014, 2015 and 2016 Georgian National University is one of the most demanded universities in Georgian educational space, according to the results of the  United National Examinations and Mobility Results. 

Georgian Nation University's Tuition Fees And Programs For International Students.

Bachelor Degree Programs & Tuition Fees
Bachelor Degree ProgramsTuition Fees per  yearDuration
School of Business  
Business Administration$40004yrs
School of Medicine  
Master's Degree Programs & Tuition Fees
Master’s Degree ProgramsTuition Fees per  yearDuration
School of Business, Economics and Management  
School of Humanities  
Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) Programs & Tuition Fees

Doctorate Degree (Ph.D) Programs

Tuition Fees per  yearDuration
School of Business, Economics and Management  

Study In SEU

Join thousands of International students currently studying in the Georgian National University (SEU).

Admission Requirement

To get Admission at the Georgian National University (SEU) simply fill our Application form or send all the required documents to

List of the required documents:

  1. Copy of the passport;
  2. High School Certificate or BA degree Diploma (for MA degree applicants) along with transcript;
  3. Application fee payment receipt.
  4. Video Interview (Contact us for sample)

Application Status:

After submission, within the 7 working days of fulfilling the application requirements, we will send you an official offer letter from Georgian National University Tbilisi. On the basis of the signed offer letter, Admission office will start enrollment procedure. Translation, notarization, recognition and enrollment procedures take approximately 2 – 4 weeks.

SEU has no deadline for admission. However, the University has two intakes. Students can get admission to either join Fall Academic Session (September batch) or the Spring Academic Session (February/March batch).

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Enrollment Process

Once the invited applicant sends the personal identification and educational documentation to the Georgian National University, the documents will be submitted to the National Centre for Educational Quality Enhancement and to the Ministry of Education and Science to obtain the Ministry enrollment. As soon as the enrollment procedure will be successfully completed, the University will inform the applicant of his successful enrollment to study in Georgia.

Let’s Start your admission process to study in Georgian National today, fill the Application form or send all the required documents to

Visa and Immigration

As soon as the enrolment procedure will be successfully completed, SEU will send you an official invitation letters which – together with other documents – will be required for the applicant to apply for studying VISA to the closest Georgian Embassy. 

For more information about the visa regime for your country nationals and stateless persons residing in the relevant countries, see our Georgian Visa and Residence Permit for Students guide. 

For Visa application related issue, contact for professional support.

International Coorperation/Recognition

Global/Europe Recognition
Georgian National University is involved in the Bologna process and is recognized both in Europe and in the US. 

The purpose of accreditation is to establish the systematic self-assessment of educational institutions and promote the development of quality assurance mechanisms in order to increase the quality of education, to define the compatibility of educational institutions and educational programs with the standards of accreditation.

The accreditation of educational programs of higher education institutions of Georgia is carried out by the Legal Entity of Public Law – National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

MCI Recognition:

The University of Georgia has just recently gained the accreditation – Medical Council of India (MCI), which means that the Georgian National University is listed among the foreign universities recommended by the Medical Council of India. SEU is one of the NMC approved colleges in Georgia that offer MBBS in Georgia for Indian students

Exchange Programs

Exchange Programs:
The Georgian National University coorperates with the European and US leading universities and offer exchange programs at various European universities to the students for one semester or a year. Thus the university has exchange programs within the individual cooperation, ERAMUS mundus and Eramus + The Georgian National University also offers Exchange Programs in Turkey in the framework of the Mevlana Exchange Program.

International Projects:
The Georgian National University carries out various international scientific-research projects, including: Tempus – the EU financed program aiming at promoting higher education reform and cooperating with the EU partner countries.

"Welcome to Georgian National University"

Take a visual tour of our University and see why SEU is a favourite destination for International students.

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Career Services & Student Life

Career Services:
Career development of students and graduates is the main concern of the office of student employment support of the Georgian National University Tbilisi. That is why it is distinguished with its high employment index: 90% of graduates are employed.

The office regularly offers trainings to students to improve skills necessary for career development. In order to promote student employment, job fairs on campus are held several times a year, where leading companies and the representatives of public sector take part.

Student Affairs:
The center of student affairs promotes the arrangement of student clubs, encourages club activities and realization of students initiatives. It organizes events in order to ensure effervescent student life.


For the first time in the post-Soviet space – OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation, U.S.) financed the development of the University of Georgia in order to build the best educational infrastructure in the Caucasus region and bring its educational services in accordance with western standards.

Today, Georgian National University is the nation’s leading private university, with the personal growth and professional development of its students as its main goal. Graduates of the university feel confidence and ready to enter the competitive job market.

SEU Dormitory/ Accommodation.

Currently, SEU does not have hostels on campus for foreign students. However, apartments and flats are cheap around the university’s vicinity.

To learn more about apartments in Tbilisi, read Accommodation and Hostels In Georgia for International Students

Message for International Students

Jonathan Baron

“Welcome to the Georgian National University! With hundreds of international students and visiting international scholars, the Georgian National University is a hub of learning and research in the region, offering quality education and excellent infrastructure to students from all around the world ”.

Top 12 reasons to Study In Tbilisi.